
Working on the Weekend!

Inspired by Faythe Levine of Handmade nation I have decided to begin a blog.  

Yes its Saturday and I'm in my office!  I feel like this week I haven't had a life!  I get up every morning at 5am to do some work before I go off to work.  I have a pressing deadline to get all the deliverables for The Band (see ) for the trailer.  This film has been in my life so long now I just want to get it out so I can work on my next project, which is a doco about craft and the subversion of domestic crafts.

And after waiting an hour for compressor to output files for a DVD I have just discovered I forgot one important element and have to do the whole process again!!

Speaking of craft and referring back to Faythe again...I got to watch Handmade Nation last night, which I loved and if you are into craft I suggest you go and check it out if its screening in your locale.  A really important documentation of the women's craft (and some men!).

You can check out my doco in progress with a small film I made called "I wanna live here".  It won the "I want to live here" film competition and you can check it out at . I hope you enjoy it.

Go radical craft!