
The Band at Cannes

Finally some feedback!

A friend of the wonderful Sanne Kurz, the brilliant DOP who made "The Band" look so amazing, Tina by accident ended up going to see the film and left Sanne this message on her blog!

Tina wrote:

"Just watched by coincidence "The Band" - amazing movie...congratulations and respect."

How lovely!

When you spend hours and hours in a darkened room going over and over your film you really do loose sight of if its any good or not!  I am working my arse off so that I can go to Berlin Porn Film Festival later this year and see it on the big screen with an audience.

Also check out the July edition of Australian Penthouse and you can see some stills from "The Band" and read a very brief paragraph about "The Band".


Voice Over for a talking Vagina!

Last night I made a journey to visit Rupert Owen, who played GB in The Band.  Not only an actor but a brilliant and progressive film maker in his own right, and avid sex blogger, Rupert is currently working on an animation of a talking vagina and asked me if I would do the voice over.  I ask you who could resist playing a talking vagina?! 
Not me that is for sure!

So off I went with my lovely partner for dinner and voice over.  After a few wines and a delicious dinner of mussels, we got down to business.  I went in completely unprepared.  I had no idea if Rupert had a script or not, instead his partner asked me a series of questions with a very conversational vein, about being a vagina and what I like to do with it!  Some very funny moments finishing off with a recording of the juicy vaginal sounds I can make with my mouth!  Lots of fun and I can't wait to see the finished product.  Vagina's rule!

In the meantime, as the project I am working on in the straight film industry winds down and I can once again have space and time for my own work, I am busy plotting  how I can get to the Berlin Porn Film Festival to finally see The Band on the big screen also how an international audience reacts to it! 

I meet with the wonderful Shanti Gudgeon for lunch and she came up with some new and interesting ideas.  She even suggested, I should give Film Vic a try!  Considering they rejected my profile on their industry directory because "they wanted to protect the Film Victoria brand" (what from filth???  which is fine if you are Anna Kokkinos and you are making a comment on heterosexual power politics, but not if are a feminist erotic film maker making comment on the male driven adult industry and its depiction of sex), I would be highly surprised if they did, but hey will give it a go.....maybe. Will keep you posted.


If you happen to be in Cannes!

THE BAND is having a screening at the Cannes Market Place.  So if you happen to be in Cannes, France or Europe and you want to check the film out its screening on May 16 at 11:30am at Palais D!  Its only the R rated version....sorry if you are after the better X rated version you will have to wait until October and come to Berlin!


More craft filth!

Vagina dentata
Anna in crafty action!

I've decided I shouldn't write blog entries at 2am in the morning while working a 16 hour day, it just doesn't make for good writing and hence good reading!

Let's move on.

Trashbag rehab had their second gathering, this times it wasn't cunt fling ups but porn embroidery! The turn up was massive, they even had to turn people away! The press love Casey who organises it and a writer for The Age conducted interviews and a photographer took some naughty shots of Casey topless with embroided breasts in front of her own, but I noticed they did a reshoot the next day and had her looking more subdued!!! ah the joys of living in conservative times! Check out the article.

It was great to document this subversion of domestic arts and I even had time to sit down and do a little craft myself, a vagina dentata on a lovely hankie that the wonderful Gemma Jones of Kaotic Kraft Kuties gave to me...someone suggested it should be used as a cum rage and when I arrived home I presented it to my love one with the suggestion that next time he had a pull he could use this to "clean up". He looked at it in horror and stated that it was scary and didn't know if he wanted his nob anywhere near it!!